Toxicity of platinum, palladium and rhodium to Daphnia magna in single and binary metal exposure experiments.

Title Toxicity of platinum, palladium and rhodium to Daphnia magna in single and binary metal exposure experiments.
Authors S. Zimmermann; C. Wolff; B. Sures
Journal Environ Pollut
DOI 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.02.016

Mainly due to automobile traffic, but also due to other sources, the platinum group elements (PGE) platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd) and rhodium (Rh) are introduced into aquatic biotopes where they accumulate in sediments of lakes and rivers. However, the toxicity of these noble metals to aquatic organisms is not well understood and especially toxicity studies under standardized condition are lacking. Thus, the toxicity of Pt, Pd and Rh to Daphnia magna was tested in single metal exposure experiments according to OECD guideline 202. Immobility and lethality was recorded after 24 h and 48 h of exposure and EC50 and LC50, respectively, were determined. As the nominal exposure concentration of Pd differed significantly from the quantified concentration, the control of the real exposure concentration by chemical analysis is mandatory, especially for Pd. The toxicity decreased in the order Pd > Pt ? Rh with e.g. LC50(48 h) values of 14 ?g/L for Pd, 157 ?g/L for Pt and 56,800 ?g/L for Rh. The exposure period had a clear effect on the toxicity of Pt, Pd and Rh. For Pt and Rh the endpoint immobility was more sensitive than the endpoint lethality whereas Pd toxicity was similar for both endpoints. The Hill slopes, which are a measure for the steepness of the concentration-response curves, showed no significant discrepancies between the different metals. The binary metal exposure to Pt and Pd revealed a more-than-additive, i.e. a synergistic toxicity using the toxic unit approach. The present study is a start to understand the toxicity of interacting PGE. The modes of action behind the synergistic effect are unclear.

Citation S. Zimmermann; C. Wolff; B. Sures.Toxicity of platinum, palladium and rhodium to Daphnia magna in single and binary metal exposure experiments.. Environ Pollut. 2017;224:368376. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.02.016

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